Battle of the Beasts

3 min readSep 6, 2021

A dazzling array of global Islamophobic arts.

Photo by Mark Williams on Unsplash

For our first act, ladies and gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure, we have our mighty giant, China!
Watch, how even with his size, he manages to move silently, with incredible nimbleness and precision. Cunning and intelligent, he has learned from Germany’s mistake, and so this performance is a slow, tantalising genocide, so subtle you might miss it!
Skillfully wielding his weapons of forced sterilisation, internment camps, torture and cultural obliteration of minority groups, and the cherry on top of an unopposable global production monopoly, China artfully crafts a scene that could almost go unnoticed to the untrained eye.

Hand-in-hand with the Eastern giant is his Western counterpart, his sister act, France! Though seemingly different to China on the surface, be sure not to get her aim confused. Under the guise of a secular state, this mistress of disguise has perfected her craft. Listen closely to her loud and confident cries of ‘laïcité!’ as she sweeps her cape of discrimination and oppression over her sizable Muslim population, sprinkling her secular liberal rhetoric in the eyes and ears of her opponent. A truly mind-bending performance, as she twists and turns her very own values of freedom, equality, and brotherhood in the air, only laying down her hidden hand of cards in the end. To the surprise of the crowd, the final result is a blitz of suppressive and authoritarian laws and regulations designed to obliterate her Muslim target. A truly skilful performance from France there.

A brief intermission for some notable mentions for next season’s performance:

Israel! Carrying a victim complex to make anyone shudder, this performance brings traditionally brutal settler-colonial tactics to the rings against the surprisingly undefeated Palestinians.

Myanmar! Don’t let the name fool you, whether Myanmar or Burma, the ferocious persecution and expulsion tactics against the underdog, equally-native Rohingya have given this act the reputation of sleeping giant. Though this act’s opponent licks their wounds in Bangladeshi refugee camps, be sure that the fire may reignite at any moment…

India! With renewed Hindu-nationalist tactics, this light-footed mighty nation wields fear-mongering and discrimination as their choice tactic against their historically ever-present Muslim locals.

And now, for our potentially most stunning act of all: Muslims themselves! Watch these uncertain creatures fit right in among the crew. With their unmatched talents of apologeticism, sleepy materialism, watering down their religion, and rejecting established traditions, you will be amazed at their inferiority complex to the West and the astonishing speed at which they infuse external ideologies into their religious practice! This act is a unique one, as you may notice that a few are ringleaders amongst their own people! Yes, these reformists pull the strings of their loyal, confused, and easily swayed marionette Muslims. A troupe of brilliantly corrupt sellout leaders in new and dazed post-colonial countries are quite the unlikely contender in this circus ring of surprises.

And, in the other end of the ring, the underdog, the unexpected, the surprisingly small but mighty, resilient practising Muslims! Equipped with little but an orthodox and holistic understanding of their faith, conviction, sincerity, and self-supported grassroots initiatives, this act appears to be far from the crowd’s favourite! But watch closely, how blow after blow, and without half of the organisation and developed tricks of their opponents, they still remain standing this far into the 21st century! Ever disadvantaged, they suffer not only from the attacks and superior skills of their counterparts, but also from bad apples, internal disunity, and the feeling of the steady deterioration of incoming contenders. With the uncommon tactics of supporting development work without strings attached, opposing the dominant financial structure, an altruistic and God-centric detachment from material gain, and a focus on familial and community stability, spectators may well wonder what they are doing in the ring!
This act truly leaves the crowd scratching their heads as to what earned them so many opponents and how they managed to remain standing, but don’t let that distract you from the slow and steady comeback that appears to be in the works for this act.

It is anyone’s game. Who do you put your money on?




Muslim. Attempting to seek and express reflections of knowledge and truth.